Do you find it hard to make up your mind and to make decisions? If you do, perhaps it could be due to lack of self belief or a tendency for procrastination. There’s little doubt, however, that decision making is a crucial part of our everyday lives.
Whether it’s what to tackle first at work, or which shoes to buy, when you’re out shopping, you must make decisions each and every day. Here are five reliable techniques you can use the next time you need to make up your mind to help build your decision making skills:
1. Do Your Research
When it comes to making decisions, it’s best to be as informed as you can possibly be. For example, if you’re thinking of buying a new mobile phone, take the time to understand the product and others like it. Read up on reviews to gauge the product’s performance and value for money. Whether you end up a satisfied consumer or a frustrated customer depends very much on how much time and trouble you take to conduct your initial research.
2. Give Yourself Fewer Options
You may face difficulties in making a decision simply because you have presented yourself with too many choices. Instead of thinking only of missed opportunities, and trying to bite off more than you can chew, try to simplify the analytical process by zoning in only on the options that appeal to you. This method simplifies your decision making process and guarantees lots more peace of mind.
Try to simplify the analytical process by zoning in only on the options that appeal to you. Click To Tweet3. Evaluate the Significance
Need to make a decision on something? First, make sure you keep things in perspective. If it isn’t a life-changing matter, why bother sweating the small stuff? For example, it shouldn’t take you ages to decide where to have lunch or which outfit to wear when you’re going out. There’s no sense in having endless debates with yourself on things that you won’t even remember in a day or two.
4. Don’t be Rash
There may be times when you’ll have to make a decision on the spot. When those occasions arise, it may be best to go with your gut feeling. Still, most times, you won’t have to resort to that. If you can, give yourself a bit of space and time before deciding. Walk away from it for a minute, or sleep on it for a night. Then, revisit the choice with an open mind. Your subconscious may have even been working to your benefit during your time away!
If you can, give yourself a bit of space and time before deciding—revisit the choice later. Click To Tweet5. Ask for Help
If you can’t reach a decision, despite your best efforts to think things through, it could be time to reach out to someone you trust. A family member, your partner or a friend may be able to shed some light and offer a fresh viewpoint that can help you make up your mind. Advice from a trusted friend or family member is also a great way to get past your personal bias and limiting, pre-conceived ideas.
While there isn’t a magic formula that you can apply to ensure that all the decisions you make are exactly the right ones, these basic methods will certainly improve your decision-making skills.
The truth is keeping yourself from making poor decisions isn’t quite so hard. Like everything else in life—it just requires practice!
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